I want to divorce

Divorce in France
Procedure to follow
If you wish to divorce in France, you must do so through a lawyer, who will take the necessary steps. It is possible to divorce a foreign spouse in France.
Documents to send to Ofpra
When a divorce is granted in France, it will be registered by Ofpra on production of the divorce document and the following documents, which will be indicated to you by your lawyer or notary: copy of the divorce decree and/or document proving that the divorce is final.
The divorce decree should be sent to the following address : Ofpra - Pôle Protection - 201 rue Carnot 94136 Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex - France.
For more information on divorce in France, visit the service-public.fr website.
Divorce abroad
Procedure to follow
Divorces granted abroad can only be registered by the Office once they have been examined by the Paris Public Prosecutor's Office to ensure that they are enforceable and comply with French public order.
The time taken is therefore longer than for divorces granted in France.
Documents to send to Ofpra
The divorce decree should be sent to the following address : Ofpra - Pôle Protection - 201 rue Carnot 94136 Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex - France.
Ofpra will seek instructions directly from the Paris public prosecutor's office.