Presentation of the History Committee
The Ofpra History Committee was created in 2010 following the decision to open up the Office's archives, which had been closed since 1952. Thus, at the heart of the approach is the ambition to be instrumental in enhancing the knowledge and memory of both refugees in France and the Institution alike, while fostering constructive dialogue between research and administration.
Organisation and Composition
Chaired by the Director-General of Ofpra, the History Committee meets in plenary session at least once a year and sets the main guidelines for the Scientific Commission. The ex officio members are the Director-General of Foreign Nationals in France at the Ministry of the Interior, the President of the National Asylum Court (CNDA), the Director of the Archives of France, the Director of the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Director of the National Archives, the Head of the Records Section of the Archives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Director of the Val-de-Marne Departmental Archives, as well as two Ofpra members appointed by the Director-General.
A Scientific Commission is appointed every three years and meets on a multi-annual basis. It is composed of academics, curators and specialists on refugees in France. Since 2021, it has been coordinated by Aline Angoustures, Head of the History and Archives Management Mission at Ofpra, Associate Member of the Institute of Political Social Sciences (ISP) and Dzovinar Kévonian, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Caen-Normandie, Member of HisTéMé (EA 7455) and Associate Member of ISP (UMR 7220).
The list of the members of the Scientific Committee can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.