Nominative archives
The nominative archives contain the files of all applicants for refugee and stateless status who have presented themselves to the authorities in charge of the eligibility of refugees according to international conventions since 1924. Most of the digitized records from 1924 to 1951 are available on our online Portail d’archives en ligne.
However, it is possible to find documents made before 1952 in the paper files, as Ofpra usually includes these documents in the file opened by its services when the refugee contacts the institution after 1952.
What is in a nominative file ?
- The main document is the form filled in by the applicant (identity, family composition, origin, religion, profession, background and reasons for applying for asylum)
- Identity photographs
- Identity documents or travel documents
- Original documents attesting to their marital status, or birth certificates
- Possibly, evidence of the perscution
- Information obtained or made by the Ofpra : examination of the application, interview and interview report, various investigations, decision taken.
- Refugee certificates and their renewals until January 1, 2004, when the refugee certificate was abolished
- Certificates in lieu of civil status documents, issued by the Office for the civil life of the refugee
Those documents are in the file as long as the refugee is under the protection of the Ofpra. This protection can be terminated by the refugee obtaining citizenship ("naturalisation"), his or her return to the country of origin, withdrawal of the status by the Ofpra or death.
Are you doing genealogical research on a foreign ancestor and don't know if you are in the right place? Consult our research assistance guide : Vos ancêtres dans les archives de l'Ofpra. You can dowload it at the bottom of this page.
Les descendants de réfugiés espagnols
Dans le cadre la loi sur la mémoire démocratique en Espagne, Il est possible d’opter pour la nationalité espagnole pour les personnes nées hors d’Espagne d’un père ou d’une mère, d’un grand-père ou d’une grand-mère, originellement espagnols, ainsi que les personnes nées hors d'Espagne d'un père ou d'une mère, d'un grand-père ou d'une grand-mère, originellement espagnols et qui, ayant été contraints à l'exil pour des raisons politiques, idéologiques, de croyance ou d'orientation et d'identité sexuelles, ont perdu ou renoncé à la nationalité espagnole.
Pour ce faire un document justifiant du statut de réfugié de l’ascendant concerné est demandé aux requérant. Il est possible d’en formuler la demande à l’Ofpra par le biais d’un formulaire disponible ci-dessous.