- Division head: Frédéric PETIT-JEAN
The dacim is composed of several services:
The introduction, reception and mail service (siac) is responsible for the reception and the recording of all documents arriving at the Office: asylum applications, letters, documents dropped off at Ofpra’s reception. It is also responsible for verifying the completeness of asylum applications that arrive at the Office and scanning them.
Once the asylum application is introduced and scanned, the siac produces and sends an introduction letter and a summons to asylum seekers. The asylum application file is then sent to a geographical division for examination.
The siac manages the general reception of those who come to the Office, including new arrivals considering applying for asylum, asylum seekers and beneficiaries of protection.
The interpretation service ensures the availability of interpreters for the interviews with asylum seekers and beneficiaries of protection.
Interpreters are not employed by Ofpra but rather by interpreting agencies who hold contracts with the public sector (marchés publics), namely with Ofpra and the CNDA, to carry out the necessary translation services during the interviews.
The provision of interpreting services for applicants and beneficiaries of international protection summoned by the Office over the period 2021-2023 is co-financed by the European Union's Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

The “external missions” team is responsible for the organisation of the “external missions” of Ofpra. The Office regularly conducts missions in other French regions and in overseas departments for one to three weeks. Ofpra’s teams also participate in missions in Mediterranean ports, in the context of activities of European solidarity. Finally, resettlement missions are organised all year long in various countries, in partnership with the UNHCR.