There are several possibilities: You can send your
by fax to the following number: 01 48 18 44 20, subject to signing either the faxed document or a formalisation form provided by the Court by[...]
A request for review is an application for international protection made after a final decision (of inadmissibility, rejection or granting
subsidiary protection
) has been taken on a previous[...]
Marriage abroad If a protected person gets married abroad, s/he must contact the French embassy or consulate in the country where s/he wishes to marry, in accordance with the stipulations of Article[...]
You must contact the prefecture. Ofpra will not be able to establish a certificate of equivalence between the identity it has retained and that appearing on a foreign driving license. The certificate[...]
First you need to go to the One Stop Shop in Cayenne. You will be given an asylum application form, along with a certificate of asylum application. From the day on which this form is submitted by the[...]