First civil status documents
Your first civil status documents are drawn up from the information in your file (identity and civil status documents, asylum application form, interview, etc.).
Please note that if you are protected by a decision dated before 1 January 2025, you must also complete the family reference form attached to the decision granting you protection.
The reconstitution of the civil status and the issuance of the first acts is a procedure that takes a little time. It is your responsibility to respond, by post only, to any request for additional information from Ofpra.
There is no need to go to Ofpra or call it again to obtain these first documents more quickly.
If there are differences between the documents issued by the French authorities during the asylum procedure and your birth certificate issued by Ofpra, you will receive a "attestation d'équivalence" (certificate of equivalence) at the same time as your birth certificate.
If this was not the case, you should apply for one by post only to the following address: Ofpra - Pôle Protection - 201 rue Carnot - 94136 Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex.